Amil Madhukar Shah, MD, MPH
Photo: Amil M. Shah



Elected 2024

Amil Shah, MD, MPH is a Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center where he is the Director of Population Sciences in the Department of Medicine and Director of the Dallas Heart Study. He holds the Dallas Heart Ball Chair in Cardiac Research and the Hoffman Endowment in Genetic and Epidemiology. Dr Shah is a cardiologist, echocardiographer, and clinician-scientist who leads research programs aimed at understanding the causes and consequences of cardiac dysfunction leading to heart failure, with the aim of identifying novel preventative interventions. His multiple R01-funded research program uses longitudinal and multimodal cardiac imaging (echocardiography, CT, SPECT imaging) and multi-omics (proteomics, metabolomics) in exercise-based physiologic studies, large observational cohorts, and randomized clinical trials to identify novel biologic pathways underlying heart failure. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Brown University, medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and masters in public health from the Harvard School of Public Health. He completed internal medicine residency at The Hospital at the University of Pennsylvania, fellowship in cardiovascular disease at Tufts Medical Center and fellowship in advanced echocardiography at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr Shah has authored over 250 publications and his work has been supported by continuous funding from the NIH.