Zian Huan Tseng, MD, MAS
Photo: Zian Tseng



Elected 2024

Zian H. Tseng is a practicing cardiologist/clinical cardiac electrophysiologist and clinical/translational investigator. He holds the Murray Davis Endowed Professorship and leads the arrhythmia service for patients with congenital heart disease at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).  His research focuses on sudden cardiac death (SCD) epidemiology, risk factors, and molecular mechanisms for sudden arrhythmic death.  He founded and leads the NHLBI-funded POstmortem Systematic InvesTigation of Sudden Cardiac Death (POST SCD) Study, a one-of-kind collaboration with the County Medical Examiner and emergency medical systems network to establish complete surveillance and autopsy characterization of all incident SCDs countywide. He also serves as site PI for the CDC-funded POstmortem Systematic InvesTigation of Sudden Death in the Young Registry.  POST SCD is the basis for landmark discoveries in SCD epidemiology, HIV disease, device regulation, resuscitation, neurology, and pediatrics. He is a fierce advocate for equity and diversity in research, and is in an original faculty member of the University of California-wide Consortium on Criminal Justice and Health. He was awarded Mentor of the Year by the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute in 2021.