ASCI / Emerging-Generation Awards, 2022

The Emerging Generation Awards (E-Gen Awards) recognize post-MD, pre-faculty appointment physician-scientists who are meaningfully engaged in immersive research.

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Jessica Rubens, MD
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes
(Affiliation at the time of recognition)

About the awardee

Jessica Rubens, MD, is a physician-scientist who studies immune responses to measles virus infection and vaccination under the mentorship of Diane Griffin, MD, PhD, at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Rubens received her medical degree from Boston University School of Medicine followed by her pediatrics residency at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Children’s Center, where she is currently a pediatric infectious diseases fellow. In the Griffin lab, she studies the mechanisms that govern the development of durable immunity in B and T cells after measles virus infection and vaccination using molecular biology techniques, immune assays, and computational methods. Dr. Rubens’ work is supported by the Pediatric-Scientist Development Program (PSDP) through the Association of Medical School Pediatric Department Chairs (AMSPDC)/NICHD and internal grants from Johns Hopkins University.