ASCI / Emerging-Generation Awards, 2022

The Emerging Generation Awards (E-Gen Awards) recognize post-MD, pre-faculty appointment physician-scientists who are meaningfully engaged in immersive research.

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Jessica Golbus, MD, MS
University of Michigan Medical School
(Affiliation at the time of recognition)

About the awardee

Jessica Golbus, MD, MS, is a Clinical Instructor in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. She received her MD from the University of Michigan and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She then completed her training in General Cardiology and Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant at the University of Michigan. She also received her MS through the University of Michigan School of Public Health. Dr. Golbus’s research focuses on the use of mobile health technology to improve cardiovascular disease outcomes. She is actively involved in a number of research studies using mobile technology to promote behavioral modification for patients with heart failure or hypertension and for those enrolled in cardiac rehabilitation. Furthermore, she is interested in optimizing treatments for patients with advanced heart failure. This includes work on identifying the optimal time to deploy heart failure advanced therapies.