Abraham, Edward
1996 |
Critical Care Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Pulmonology |
3056069502 |
edwardabraham1@gmail.com |
Anderson, Donald C.
1988 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
— |
— |
Ayoub, Elia M
1969 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Rheumatology |
352-392-2967 |
ayoubem@peds.ufl.edu |
Baker, Carol
1982 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
7134175763 |
cbaker1942@gmail.com |
Barbour, Alan G.
1987 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Tropical Medicine; Vaccines |
949-824-5626 |
abarbour@uci.edu |
Baum, Stephen G.
1976 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
718-430-3060 |
stephen.baum@einstein.yu.edu |
Bennett, John E.
1974 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
301-496-3461 |
jbennett@niaid.nih.gov |
Berger, Melvin
1989 |
Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Pharmacology; Pulmonology; Rheumatology |
216-844-3237 |
melbergerconsulting@gmail.com |
Black, Paul H.
1966 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Neurobiology; Psychiatry |
617-414-5881 |
pblack@acs.bu.edu |
Blacklow, Neil R.
1980 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Preventive Medicine; Public Policy; Vaccines; Virology |
508-856-3158 |
nblacklow@msn.com |
Blaese, R. Michael
1975 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Virology |
215-862-6374 |
mike@blaese.net |
Blaser, Martin
1988 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; History of Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
646-501-4386 |
martin.blaser@cabm.rutgers.edu |
Bozzette, Samuel A.
2000 |
HIV; Health services research; Infectious Disease; Outcomes research; Public Policy |
919.620.2226 |
samuel.bozzette@biomerieux.com |
Britigan, Bradley E.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
402-559-4204 |
bradley.britigan@unmc.edu |
Brooks, George F.
1980 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
415-353-1943 |
geo.f.brooks@ucsf.edu |
Brown, Eric J.
1987 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
— |
brown.eric@gene.com |
Casadevall, Arturo
1999 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
— |
acasade1@jhu.edu |
Clark, Robert A.
1981 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; General Medicine; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
210-567-0866 |
clarkra@uthscsa.edu |
Cohen, Jeffrey I.
1995 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines; Virology |
301-496-5265 |
jcohen@niaid.nih.gov |
Corey, Lawrence
1985 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Virology |
206-667-6770 |
lcorey@fhcrc.org |
Cover, Timothy L
2000 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
615-322-2035 |
timothy.L.cover@vumc.org |
Dale, David C.
1977 |
Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
206-543-7215 |
dcdale@u.washington.edu |
Dale, James B.
1993 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
901-448-2101 |
jbdale@uthsc.edu |
David, John R.
Not available |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Tropical Medicine |
508-748-0672 |
jdavid@hsph.harvard.edu |
Dermody, Terence S.
1998 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics; Virology |
412-692-8071 |
terence.dermody@chp.edu |
Diamond, Richard D.
1982 |
Administration; Bioethics; Health care policy; Health services research; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Preventive Medicine; Public Policy |
301-496-1864 |
— |
Dinarello, Charles A.
1982 |
Critical Care Medicine; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
303-315-3589 |
cdinare333@aol.com |
Doerschuk, Claire M.
1998 |
Administration; Critical Care Medicine; Infectious Disease; Pathology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology |
919 966-1077 |
cmd@med.unc.edu |
Dolin, Raphael
1978 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
617-735-4424 |
rdolin@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Douglas, R. Gordon
1977 |
Administration; Epidemiology; Health care policy; Health services research; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Pediatrics; Public Policy; Vaccines; Virology |
860-739-2131 |
rgdouglasjr@gmail.com |
Dowling, Harry F.
Not available |
Administration; Allergy; Epidemiology; Health services research; History of Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-666-7216 |
— |
Downey, Gregory P.
1997 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Pulmonology |
303-398-1881 |
downeyg@njhealth.org |
Drutz, David
1979 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pharmacology; Pulmonology; Vaccines; Virology |
919-942-4547 |
ddrutz@pacificbiopharma.com |
DuPont, Herbert L.
1980 |
Administration; Epidemiology; Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
713-500-9366 |
Herbert.l.dupont@uth.tmc.edu |
Durack, David T.
1985 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
201-847-7438 |
david.durack@bd.com |
Dwyer, John M.
1978 |
Administration; Immunology; Infectious Disease |
61-2-3822775 |
j.dwyer@unsw.edu.au |
Eisenstein, Barry I.
1985 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
202-506-7673 |
beisenstein@gmail.com |
Engel, Joanne N.
2000 |
Cell Biology; Genetics; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
415-260-3399 |
jengel@medicine.ucsf.edu |
Epstein, Stephen E.
1970 |
Administration; Bone marrow transplantation; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Physiology; Virology |
202-877-7460 |
stephen.epstein@medstar.net |
Ezekowitz, Alan
1990 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Pharmacology |
609-712-6506 |
alan@abidetx.com |
Fang, Ferric C.
1998 |
Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Microbiology; Pathology |
206-221-6770 |
fcfang@uw.edu |
Fauci, Anthony S.
1976 |
Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
— |
— |
Feingold, David S.
1971 |
Dermatology; Genetics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
617-636-5370 |
dsfein@massmed.org |
Fikrig, Erol
1998 |
Epidemiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Rheumatology |
203-785-4140 |
erol.fikrig@yale.edu |
Friedman, Harvey M.
1986 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Vaccines; Virology |
215-662-3557 |
hfriedma@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Galli, Stephen J.
1991 |
Administration; Allergy; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Pathology |
650-736-6014 |
sgalli@stanford.edu |
Gallin, John I.
1978 |
Administration; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-538-7721 |
jgallin@cc.nih.gov |
Ganem, Donald E.
1989 |
Biochemistry; History of Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Virology |
415-637-4908 |
don.ganem@yahoo.com |
Gerard, Craig J.
1992 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Pulmonology; Virology |
617-735-6174 |
craig.gerard@tch.harvard.edu |
Gerberding, Julie
1996 |
Epidemiology; HIV; Infectious Disease |
2672180883 |
jgerberding@fnih.org |
Gershon, Anne A.
1983 |
Infectious Disease |
212-305-9445 |
aag1@columbia.edu |
Gigli, Irma
1972 |
Administration; Allergy; Dermatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
713-500-2401 |
irma.gigli@uth.tmc.edu |
Gigliotti, Francis
1996 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
716-275-5944 |
francis_gigliotti@urmc.rochester.edu |
Gocke, David
1972 |
Administration; Hepatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
908-359-2978 |
— |
Goldberg, Daniel E.
1995 |
Biochemistry; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Tropical Medicine |
314-632-1514 |
dgoldberg@wustl.edu |
Goldberg, Marcia B.
2000 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
617-512-9642 |
marcia.goldberg@mgh.harvard.edu |
Goldsmith, Mark A.
1998 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Virology |
650-391-9202 |
markagoldsmith@comcast.net |
Golenbock, Douglas
1997 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
508-856-5980 |
Douglas.Golenbock@umassmed.edu |
Goodman, Jesse L.
1996 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Public Policy; Tropical Medicine |
202-687-7404 |
jlg251@georgetown.edu |
Gorbach, Sherwood L.
1974 |
Infectious Disease |
617-636-3811 |
sherwood.gorbach@tufts.edu |
Granoff, Dan M.
1987 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
510-450-7640 |
dgranoff@chori.org |
Greenberg, Harry B.
1983 |
Biochemistry; Gastroenterology; Hepatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Vaccines; Virology |
650-498-4455 |
harry.greenberg@stanford.edu |
Greenough, William B.
1974 |
General Medicine; Geriatrics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
410-550-0782 |
wgreeno2@jhmi.edu |
Groopman, Jerome E.
1987 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
617-667-0070 |
jgroopma@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Haase, Ashley T.
1978 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
612-624-4442 |
haase001@umn.edu |
Harley, John B.
1990 |
Bioethics; Epidemiology; General Medicine; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Rheumatology; Vaccines; Virology |
513-803-3665 |
john.harley@cchmc.org |
Harrison, Lee H.
2000 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease |
412-624-3332 |
lharriso@edc.pitt.edu |
Hayden, Frederick G.
1992 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pathology; Virology |
434-924-5059 |
fgh@virginia.edu |
Haynes, Barton
1983 |
Administration; Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Rheumatology |
919-684-5279 |
barton.haynes@duke.edu |
Hewlett, Erik L.
1990 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pharmacology; Vaccines |
434-982-4334 |
eh2v@virginia.edu |
Hibbs, John B.
1979 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
801-2721285 |
john.hibbs@hsc.utah.edu |
Hirsch, Martin S.
1983 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
617-768-8370 |
hirsch.martin@mgh.harvard.edu |
Hirschman, Shalom Z.
1975 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Bioethics; Biomedical Engineering; Biophysics; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Dermatology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pharmacology; Rheumatology |
212-463-0400 ext. 479 |
szhfen@aol.com |
Hoffman, Stephen L.
1990 |
Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Tropical Medicine; Vaccines |
240-299-3178 |
slhoffman@sanaria.com |
Holmes, Randall K.
1977 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Vaccines |
303-724-4224 |
randall.holmes@ucdenver.edu |
Horwitz, Marcus A.
1985 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Vaccines |
310-206-0074 |
mhorwitz@mednet.ucla.edu |
Hostetler, Karl Y.
1981 |
Biochemistry; Endocrinology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Metabolism; Virology |
858-552-8585 X 4-2616 |
khostetl@ucsd.edu |
Hostetter, Margaret
1992 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
2038091886 |
phostetter@optimum.net |
Hoxie, James A.
1992 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
215-898-0261 |
hoxie@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Hunninghake, Gary W.
1988 |
Allergy; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Environmental Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Pulmonology; Virology |
319-356-4187 |
— |
Johnson, R. Paul
2000 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines |
404-727-7707 |
rpaul.johnson@emory.edu |
Joiner, Keith A.
1987 |
Cell Biology; Infectious Disease |
520-626-4655 |
kjoiner@email.arizona.edu |
Kasper, Dennis L.
1978 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Vaccines |
617-432-5505 |
dennis_kasper@hms.harvard.edu |
Kazura, James W.
1987 |
Allergy; Epidemiology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease |
216-368-4810 |
jxk14@po.cwru.edu |
Kenney, Shannon C.
1995 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Virology |
608-265-0533 |
skenney@wisc.edu |
Keusch, Gerald T.
1976 |
Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Tropical Medicine |
617-638-5234 |
keusch@bu.edu |
Kieff, Elliott D.
1977 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Virology |
617-525-4252 |
— |
Kirkpatrick, Charles
1974 |
Allergy; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
303 724 7197 |
charles.kirkpatrick@ucdenver.edu |
Klempner, Mark S.
1986 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
617-474-3250 |
Mark.Klempner@umassmed.edu |
Koehler, Jane E.
1997 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
415-476-3536 |
jkoehler@medicine.ucsf.edu |
Kollef, Marin H.
2000 |
Critical Care Medicine; Health care policy; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pulmonology |
314-454-8764 |
mkollef@im.wustl.edu |
Koup, Richard A.
1999 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Nutrition; Vaccines; Virology |
301-594-8574 |
rkoup@mail.nih.gov |
Kovacs, Joseph A.
1994 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
301-496-9907 |
jkovacs@nih.gov |
Krejs, Guenter J.
1985 |
Administration; Endocrinology; Gastroenterology; Hepatology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
43-316-385-13030 |
guenter.krejs@medunigraz.at |
Kunin, Calvin M.
Not available |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
614-293-8976 |
ckunin@columbus.rr.com |
Lane, H. Clifford
1994 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-496-7196 |
clane@nih.gov |
Laurence, Jeffrey C.
1997 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Virology |
646-962-2988 |
jlaurenc@med.cornell.edu |
Lehrer, Robert I.
1973 |
Biochemistry; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
(310) 488-4925 |
rlehrer@g.ucla.edu |
Lemon, Stanley M.
1987 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
919-843-1848 |
smlemon@med.unc.edu |
Levine, Myron M.
1986 |
Infectious Disease; Preventive Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
410-598-2487 |
Mlevine@som.umaryland.edu |
Liu, Margaret A
1997 |
Endocrinology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
925-299-2959 |
liu@ProTherImmune.com |
Locksley, Richard M.
1991 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
415-476-1559 |
richard.locksley@ucsf.edu |
Lowy, Franklin D.
1992 |
Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
212-305-5787 |
fl189@columbia.edu |
Luban, Jeremy
1999 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Virology |
508-856-6899 |
Jeremy.Luban@umassmed.edu |
Luft, Benjamin J.
1993 |
Administration; General Medicine; Infectious Disease; Vaccines |
631-638-0736 |
benjamin.luft@stonybrookmedicine.edu |
Lupski, James R.
1998 |
Genetics; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Neurology; Pediatrics |
713-798-6530 |
jlupski@bcm.tmc.edu |
Luster, Andrew D.
1999 |
Allergy; Cardiovascular Disease; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pulmonology; Rheumatology |
617-726-5710 |
aluster@mgh.harvard.edu |
Malech, Harry L.
1988 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
240-447-4924 |
hmalech@nih.gov |
Markovitz, David M.
1997 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Geriatrics; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology; Virology |
734-647-1786 |
dmarkov@umich.edu |
Martin, William J.
1992 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Health care policy; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Public Policy; Pulmonology |
614-247-8196 |
martin.3047@osu.edu |
Masur, Henry
1989 |
Critical Care Medicine; Infectious Disease |
301-496-9320 |
hmasur@nih.gov |
McCall, Charles E.
1976 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Monocytes |
336-413 8034 |
chmccall@wakehealth.edu |
McCormack, William M.
1981 |
Epidemiology; General Medicine; HIV; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Laboratory Medicine; Microbiology; Tropical Medicine |
718-270-1432 |
— |
McCray, Paul B.
1999 |
Cell Biology; Developmental Biology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology |
319-335-6844 |
paul-mccray@uiowa.edu |
McCune, Joseph M.
1998 |
Bone marrow transplantation; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Laboratory Medicine; Virology |
415-206-8101 |
mike.mccune@ucsf.edu |
Merigan, Thomas C.
1969 |
Drug Development; Infectious Disease; Vaccines |
650-725-3929 |
merigan@stanford.edu |
Miller, I. George
1974 |
Biochemistry; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics; Virology |
203-785-4758 |
george.miller@yale.edu |
Miller, Samuel I.
1994 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
206-616-5107 |
millersi@u.washington.edu |
Mitsuya, Hiroaki
1995 |
Cell Biology; HIV; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pharmacology; Virology |
+81-3-5273-6915 |
mitsuyah@nih.gov |
Modlin, Robert L.
1991 |
Dermatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
310-825-6214 |
rmodlin@mednet.ucla.edu |
Mogabgab, William J
Not available |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
504-288-1612 |
— |
Morris, J. Glenn
1996 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
352 273-7526 |
jgmorris@epi.ufl.edu |
Murphy, Philip M.
1992 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
301-496-8616 |
pmm@nih.gov |
Murphy, Timothy F.
1995 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
716-881-8911 |
murphyt@buffalo.edu |
Murray, Barbara E.
1985 |
Infectious Disease |
713-500-6745 |
bem.asst@uth.tmc.edu |
Murray, Henry W.
1984 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
212-746-6330 |
hwmurray@mail.med.cornell.edu |
Musher, Daniel M.
1980 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
713-794-7386 |
Daniel.musher@med.va.gov |
Musser, James M.
1999 |
Genetics; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pathology; Vaccines |
713-441-5890 |
jmmusser@HoustonMethodist.org |
Nathan, Carl F.
1983 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Metabolism; Oncology |
212-746-6505 |
cnathan@med.cornell.edu |
Nauseef, William M.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
319-335-4278 |
william-nauseef@uiowa.edu |
Nelson, David Luther
1986 |
Allergy; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Dermatology; Developmental Biology; Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pediatrics |
301-496-3024 |
— |
Nicholson-Weller, Anne
1986 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease |
617-735-4102 |
anichols@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Nutman, Thomas B.
1993 |
Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
301-496-5399 |
tnutman@niaid.nih.gov |
Ogra, Pearay L.
1975 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
716-878-7290 |
pogra@upa.chob.edu |
Oxman, Michael N.
1979 |
Bioethics; Epidemiology; Hepatology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Preventive Medicine; Public Policy; Tropical Medicine; Vaccines; Virology |
858-642-1420 |
mnoxman@ucsd.edu |
Pamer, Eric
1998 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
773.834.6015 |
egpamer@uchicago.edu |
Parrillo, Joseph E.
1988 |
Administration; Allergy; Bioethics; Cardiology; Cardiovascular Disease; Critical Care Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
551-996-2379 |
jparrillo@hackensackumc.org |
Parsonnet, Julie
1998 |
Epidemiology; Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease; Oncology; Vaccines |
650-725-4561 |
parsonnt@stanford.edu |
Pavlakis, George N.
1994 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; HIV; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Virology |
301-9380592 |
gnp2go@gmail.com |
Paya, Carlos V.
1999 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Virology |
507-284-3747 |
— |
Payan, Donald G.
1988 |
Allergy; Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Neurobiology; Pharmacology |
415-518-4201 |
donpayan007@gmail.com |
Pearson, Richard Dale
1991 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
804-924-5579 |
rdp9g@virginia.edu |
Pennington, James E.
1984 |
Infectious Disease |
925-283-7876 |
— |
Peters-Golden, Marc
1996 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Environmental Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pharmacology; Pulmonology |
734-936-5047 |
petersm@umich.edu |
Petri Jr., William A.
1995 |
Cell Biology; Epidemiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Laboratory Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pathology; Tropical Medicine; Vaccines |
434-924-5621 |
wap3g@virginia.edu |
Phillips, S. Michael
1980 |
Allergy; Cell Biology; Hepatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Neurology; Rheumatology; Tropical Medicine |
2154806666 |
phillipm@mail.med.upenn.edu |
Pierce, Nathaniel F.
1976 |
Administration; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Tropical Medicine; Vaccines |
410-817-4317 |
npierce@jhsph.edu |
Plaut, Andrew G.
1979 |
Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease |
617-636-5882 |
aplaut@tufts-nemc.org |
Pomerantz, Roger J.
1995 |
Infectious Disease |
609.730.7503 |
— |
Prince, Alice S.
1994 |
Cell Biology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
212-305-4193 |
asp7@columbia.edu |
Puck, Jennifer M.
1992 |
Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; General Medicine; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
415 502-2090 |
Jennifer.Puck@ucsf.edu |
Purcell, Robert H.
1977 |
Epidemiology; Hepatology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines; Virology |
301-496-5090 |
rpurcell@niaid.nih.gov |
Quie, Paul G.
1968 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
612-626-2558 |
quiex001@umn.edu |
Quinn, Thomas C
1989 |
Epidemiology; HIV; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
410-955-7635 |
tquinn@jhmi.edu |
Quinnan Jr., Gerald V
1985 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Preventive Medicine; Virology |
301-295-3173 |
gerald.quinnan@usuhs.edu |
Radolf, Justin D.
1997 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
8608336426 |
JRadolf@uchc.edu |
Reiner, Neil E.
1992 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease |
604-875-4011 |
ethan@interchange.ubc.ca |
Reiner, Steven
2000 |
Developmental Biology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease |
212-305-5177 |
sreiner@columbia.edu |
Relman, David A.
1998 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
6507366822 |
relman@stanford.edu |
Roberts, Jr., Norbert J.
1989 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Pulmonology; Tropical Medicine; Virology |
409-771-3358 |
nrobertsjr@gmail.com |
Ronald, Allan R
1983 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
204-4521374 |
allan.ronald@umanitoba.ca |
Rosen, Henry
1991 |
Administration; Allergy; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
206-543-3238 |
hqr@u.washington.edu |
Rotrosen, Daniel
1993 |
Administration; Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-496-1886 |
drotrosen@niaid.nih.gov |
Rotstein, Ori D.
1998 |
Cell Biology; Critical Care Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pulmonology; Surgery |
416-864-5304 |
rotsteino@smh.ca |
Rubens, Craig
1996 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Neonatology; Pediatrics |
206-979-2823 |
cerubens1@gmail.com |
Rubin, Donald H.
1991 |
Gastroenterology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Virology |
615-873-7066 |
don.h.rubin@vanderbilt.edu |
Saag, Michael S.
1997 |
Administration; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
205-934-7349 |
msaag@uabmc.edu |
Schaberg, Dennis R.
1989 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
901-448-5751 |
— |
Scharff, Matthew D.
1967 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
718-430-3527 |
matthew.scharff@einsteinmed.org |
Schooley, Robert T.
1990 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
858 361-9105 |
rschooley@ucsd.edu |
Sears, Cynthia L.
1996 |
Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
410-614-8378 |
csears@jhmi.edu |
Seder, Robert A.
1998 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines |
301-594-8483 |
rseder@mail.nih.gov |
Selsted, Michael E.
1994 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Pathology |
323-442-1180 |
selsted@usc.edu |
Shaw, George Meade
1989 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Vaccines; Virology |
215-746-8514 |
shawg@pennmedicine.upenn.edu |
Sheagren, John N.
1979 |
Administration; Epidemiology; General Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Outcomes research; Preventive Medicine |
616.732.6200 |
Sheagren@msu.edu |
Siliciano, Robert
1994 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology |
410-955-2958 |
rsiliciano@jhmi.edu |
Silverblatt, Frederic J.
1980 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease |
401-323-5645 |
— |
Silverstein, Samuel C.
1973 |
Biochemistry; Biophysics; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Monocytes; Neurobiology; Pathology; Physiology |
212-305-3546 |
scs3@columbia.edu |
Southwick, Frederick S.
1987 |
Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
352-392-4058 |
southf@epi.ufl.edu |
Sparling, P. Frederick
1975 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
919-444-9440 |
— |
Spinola, Stanley M.
1997 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
317-274-1423 |
sspinola@iu.edu |
Spitalnik, Steven L.
1994 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Cell Biology; Glycobiology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Laboratory Medicine; Pathology; Tropical Medicine |
212-305-2204 |
ss2479@cumc.columbia.edu |
St. Geme, III, Joseph W.
1998 |
Cell Biology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pediatrics |
215-590-2766 |
stgemeiiij@email.chop.edu |
Stanley, Samuel L.
1995 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
(631) 632-6265 |
Samuel.Stanley@stonybrook.edu |
Steere, Allen C.
1985 |
Infectious Disease; Rheumatology |
617-726-1527 |
asteere@partners.org |
Stevens, David A.
1981 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Pharmacology |
408-885-4313 |
stevens@stanford.edu |
Stiehm, E. Richard
1976 |
Allergy; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Neonatology; Pediatrics; Pulmonology; Rheumatology |
310-825-6481 |
estiehm@mednet.ucla.edu |
Takashima, Akira
1998 |
Allergy; Biochemistry; Cell Biology; Dermatology; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Vaccines |
419-383-5423 |
akira.takashima@utoledo.edu |
Tosato, Giovanna
1992 |
Cell Biology; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Oncology; Virology |
301-594-9596 |
tosatog@mail.nih.gov |
Turck, Marvin
1970 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
206-232-1882 |
mturck@u.washington.edu |
Friedman, Henry S.
1994 |
History of Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Neuro-oncology; Neurobiology; Neurology; Oncology; Pediatrics; Pharmacology; Virology |
919-684-5301 |
fried003@mc.duke.edu |
Van Voorhis, Wesley C.
1997 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Tropical Medicine |
206-543-2447 |
wesley@u.washington.edu |
Virgin, Herbert 'Skip'
1998 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pathology; Vaccines; Virology |
3147045845 |
virgin@wustl.edu |
Walker, Bruce D.
1993 |
Administration; Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Virology |
(857) 268-7072 |
bwalker@mgh.harvard.edu |
Wang, Frederick C.S.
1998 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Virology |
617-525-4258 |
fwang@research.bwh.harvard.edu |
Weil, Gary J.
1993 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
314-747-5198 |
gweil@dom.wustl.edu |
Weinberg, J. Brice
1984 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Oncology; Rheumatology; Tropical Medicine; Virology |
919-286-6833 |
brice@duke.edu |
Wellems, Thomas E.
1993 |
Genetics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
301-761-5085 |
twellems@niaid.nih.gov |
Weller, Peter F.
1989 |
Allergy; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Tropical Medicine |
617-997-3544 |
pweller@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Wenzel, Richard P.
1980 |
Administration; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
804-828-5388 |
rwenzel@mcvh-vcu.edu |
Whitley, Richard J.
1989 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
205-638-2530 |
rwhitley@uabmc.edu |
Wilson, Christopher B.
1987 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease |
206-685-3956 |
chris.wilson@gatesfoundation.org |
Wilson, Mary E.
1998 |
Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Tropical Medicine |
319-356-3169 |
mary-wilson@uiowa.edu |
Wolinsky, Steven M.
1994 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Vaccines; Virology |
312-503-4876 |
s-wolinsky@northwestern.edu |
Wu, George Y.
1989 |
Cell Biology; Gastroenterology; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; Genetics; Hepatology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Virology |
860-679-3158 |
wu@nso.uchc.edu |
Yokoyama, Wayne M.
1996 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Genetics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pathology; Rheumatology |
314-362-9075 |
yokoyama@dom.wustl.edu |
Yolken, Robert H.
1985 |
Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Neurology; Pediatrics; Virology |
410-614-0004 |
rhyolken@gmail.com |
Young, Lowell S.
1978 |
Infectious Disease |
415-600-1734 |
kiaid@cooper.cpmc.org |
Ziegler, John L.
1974 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology; Preventive Medicine |
415-502-1883 |
john.ziegler@ucsf.edu |
Zinner, Stephen H.
1983 |
Administration; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
617-499-5421 |
szinner@mah.harvard.edu |
Donnenberg, Michael S.
2001 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
804-828-0678 |
michael.donnenberg@vcuhealth.org |
Kelsall, Brian Lee
2001 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-496-7473 |
kelsall@nih.gov |
Thomas, David L.
2001 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
410-502-7134 |
dthomas@jhmi.edu |
Rosenbaum, James
1994 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Ophthalmology; Rheumatology |
503-494-5023 |
rosenbaj@ohsu.edu |
Cohen, Myron S.
1988 |
HIV; Hypertension; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
919-966-2536 |
mscohen@med.unc.edu |
Berliner, Nancy
1994 |
Bone marrow transplantation; Genetics; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
617-732-5840 |
nberliner@partners.org |
Small, Peter M.
2000 |
Epidemiology; Genetics; Infectious Disease |
6316013513 |
pspetersmall@gmail.com |
Perrin, Mercio E. A.
1985 |
Infectious Disease |
617-636-7533 |
mercio.perrin@tufts.edu |
Bucala, Richard
1996 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Rheumatology |
203-564-3387 |
richard.bucala@yale.edu |
Mascola, John R.
2002 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
(301) 496-1852 |
jmascola@nih.gov |
Bishai, William R.
2002 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
410-955-3507 |
wbishai@jhmi.edu |
Taylor, Jr., Fletcher B.
1969 |
Allergy; Bioethics; Cardiovascular Disease; Critical Care Medicine; Hematology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
405-271-2400 |
Fletcher-Taylor@omrf.org |
Klotman, Paul E.
1993 |
Infectious Disease; Nephrology |
713-798-4800 |
paul.klotman@bcm.edu |
McCormack, Francis
2000 |
Biochemistry; Critical Care Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Pulmonology |
513-558-0480 |
frank.mccormack@uc.edu |
Budd, Ralph C.
1994 |
Cell Biology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Rheumatology |
802-656-2286 |
ralph.budd@med.uvm.edu |
Cesarman, Ethel
2001 |
Infectious Disease; Molecular biology; Oncology; Pathology; Virology |
212-746-8838 |
ecesarm@med.cornell.edu |
Hawiger, Jack
1977 |
Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
615-828-8718 |
jack.hawiger@vanderbilt.edu |
Holland, Steven M.
2003 |
Infectious Disease |
301-402-7684 |
smh@nih.gov |
Karp, Christopher L.
2003 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Tropical Medicine |
206-747-2343 |
chris.karp@gatesfoundation.org |
Heitman, Joseph
2003 |
Genetics; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
919-684-2824 |
heitm001@duke.edu |
Gallo, Richard L.
2003 |
Dermatology; Glycobiology; Immunology; Infectious Disease |
858-822-4608 |
rgallo@ucsd.edu |
Brasier, Allan R.
2001 |
Cardiovascular Disease; Endocrinology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology; Virology |
608-263-4900 |
abrasier@wisc.edu |
Peek, Jr., Richard M.
2003 |
Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
615-343-1596 |
richard.peek@vumc.org |
Bierer, Barbara E.
1993 |
Biochemistry; Bone marrow transplantation; Hematology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Oncology |
(617) 732-8990 |
bbierer@partners.org |
Johnson, Richard
1995 |
Hypertension; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Nephrology; Pathology |
303-724-4865 |
Richard.Johnson@cuanschutz.edu |
Martin, David W.
1976 |
Administration; Biochemistry; Drug Development; Genetics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
650-873-1115 |
dmartin@avidbiotics.com |
Fine, Michael J.
1999 |
General Medicine; Health services research; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Outcomes research |
412-360-2206 |
Michael.Fine@va.gov |
Palefsky, Joel
2003 |
Infectious Disease; Virology |
415-476-1574 |
joel.palefsky@ucsf.edu |
Worthen, G. Scott
1994 |
Infectious Disease; Pulmonology |
215-590-5455 |
worthen@email.chop.edu |
Kusner, David
2004 |
Infectious Disease |
319-335-4261 |
david-kusner@uiowa.edu |
Ahuja, Sunil K.
2002 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
210-567-0233 |
ahujas@uthscsa.edu |
Crowe Jr., James E.
2004 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Vaccines; Virology |
615-343-8064 |
james.crowe@vanderbilt.edu |
Blumberg, Richard
1995 |
Gastroenterology; Infectious Disease |
617-732-6917 |
rblumberg@bwh.harvard.edu |
Koelle, David M.
2004 |
Infectious Disease |
206 616 1940 |
viralimm@u.washington.edu |
Collins, Kathleen L.
2005 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
(734) 615 1320 |
klcollin@umich.edu |
Margolis, David M.
2005 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
919-966-6388 |
dmargo@med.unc.edu |
Kaye, Kenneth Marc
2006 |
Infectious Disease |
(617) 525-4256 |
kkaye@bwh.harvard.edu |
Nizet, Victor
2006 |
Drug Development; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Pediatrics |
858-534-7408 |
vnizet@ucsd.edu |
Vinetz, Joseph M.
2006 |
Infectious Disease; Tropical Medicine |
203-737-9730 |
joseph.vinetz@yale.edu |
Gulick, Roy M.
2006 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
212-746-6320 |
rgulick@med.cornell.edu |
Koziel, Margaret
2006 |
Infectious Disease |
617-667-0038 |
margaret.koziel@umassmed.edu |
Rehermann, Barbara
2004 |
Gastroenterology; Hepatology; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines; Virology |
— |
rehermann@nih.gov |
Engman, David M.
2007 |
Biochemistry; Cardiovascular Disease; Cell Biology; Genetics; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Pathology; Tropical Medicine |
3129530709 |
d-engman@northwestern.edu |
Del Poeta, Maurizio
2007 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Molecular biology |
(631) 632-4024 |
maurizio.delpoeta@stonybrook.edu |
Glickman, Michael S.
2007 |
Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Molecular biology |
646-888-2368 |
glickmam@mskcc.org |
Durvasula, Ravi V.
2009 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Molecular biology |
1 (708) 216-3232 |
rdurvasula@luc.edu |
Hawn, Thomas R.
2011 |
Infectious Disease |
206-616-4124 |
thawn@u.washington.edu |
Altfeld, Marcus
2008 |
Infectious Disease |
+49 (0)40 48051 221 |
marcus.altfeld@leibniz-liv.de |
Andes, David
2010 |
Infectious Disease |
608-263-1545 |
dra@medicine.wisc.edu |
Chen, Benjamin K.
2010 |
Infectious Disease |
212-241-2534 |
ben.chen@mssm.edu |
Goepfert, Paul A.
2010 |
Infectious Disease |
205-975-5667 |
paulg@uab.edu |
Nosanchuk, Joshua
2010 |
Infectious Disease |
718-430-2366 |
josh.nosanchuk@einsteinmed.edu |
Mehrad, Borna
2013 |
Critical Care Medicine; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pulmonology |
Log in to view
Borna.Mehrad@medicine.ufl.edu |
Kazmierczak, Barbara I.
2014 |
Infectious Disease; Medicine |
203-737-5062 |
barbara.kazmierczak@yale.edu |
Ray, Stuart C.
2009 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
410-614-2891 |
sray@jhmi.edu |
Houpt, Eric R.
2011 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
434-243-9326 |
erh6k@virginia.edu |
Vyas, Jatin M.
2014 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
617-643-6444 |
jvyas@partners.org |
Marr, Kieren
2009 |
General Medicine; Infectious Disease; Transplantation |
4437420250 |
kmarr4@jhmi.edu |
Saint, Sanjay
2009 |
Health care policy; Health services research; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
(734) 615-8341 |
saint@umich.edu |
Sulkowski, Mark Sebastian
2011 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
443-287-9600 |
msulkowski@jhmi.edu |
Drake, Wonder
2016 |
Infectious Disease |
410 706 1412 |
WDrake@som.umaryland.edu |
Kirk, Gregory D.
2016 |
Infectious Disease |
410-502-2038 |
gdk@jhu.edu |
Hohl, Tobias M.
2016 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
646-888-3596 |
hohlt@mskcc.org |
Barouch, Dan H.
2009 |
HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Vaccines; Virology |
617-735-4485 |
dbarouch@bidmc.harvard.edu |
Alspaugh, Andrew
2011 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
919-684-0045 |
andrew.alspaugh@duke.edu |
Moscona, Anne
2002 |
Biophysics; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Pediatrics; Virology |
212-305-4274 |
am939@cumc.columbia.edu |
Crompton, Peter D.
2017 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
301-761-5042 |
pcrompton@niaid.nih.gov |
Datta, Sandip
2016 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
— |
skdattamd@gmail.com |
Henderson, Jeffrey P.
2016 |
Biochemistry; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
314-747-0240 |
hendersonj@wustl.edu |
Sheppard, Donald
2018 |
Infectious Disease |
514-934-1934 x 36104 |
donald.sheppard@mcgill.ca |
Huang, Susan
2018 |
Infectious Disease |
949-824-5073 |
sshuang@hs.uci.edu |
Aronoff, David
2013 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Obstetrics and gynecology |
3172748438 |
aronoff@iu.edu |
Dooley, Kelly
2019 |
Infectious Disease |
6153228972 |
kelly.e.dooley@vumc.org |
Harris, Jason
2019 |
Infectious Disease |
617-643-5564 |
jbharris@mgh.harvard.edu |
Raffatellu, Manuela
2019 |
Infectious Disease |
858-246-2802 |
manuelar@ucsd.edu |
Kirkpatrick, Beth D.
2017 |
Infectious Disease; Vaccines |
802-578-3533 |
Beth.Kirkpatrick@med.uvm.edu |
Wessels, Michael R.
1995 |
Infectious Disease; Medicine |
617-919-2900 |
michael.wessels@childrens.harvard.edu |
Marr, J. Joseph
1981 |
Biochemistry; Biotechnology; Drug Development; Health services research; History of Medicine; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Laboratory Medicine; Molecular biology; Tropical Medicine |
970-215-5700 |
jjmarrco@yahoo.com |
Feeney, Margaret
2016 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
415-206-8218 |
margaret.feeney@ucsf.edu |
Kottilil, Shyamasundaran
2017 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
410-706-4872 |
skottilil@ihv.umaryland.edu |
Bisson, Gregory
2020 |
Infectious Disease |
215-573-5811 |
bisson@pennmedicine.upenn.edu |
Gewurz, Benjamin
2020 |
Infectious Disease |
6175254282 |
bgewurz@bwh.harvard.edu |
Lionakis, Michail S.
2020 |
Infectious Disease |
301-443-5089 |
lionakism@niaid.nih.gov |
Boulware, David R
2020 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Public Health; Public Policy; Tropical Medicine |
612-624-9996 |
boulw001@umn.edu |
Safdar, Nasia
2021 |
Infectious Disease |
608-262-2122 |
ns2@medicine.wisc.edu |
Kaul, Rupert
2013 |
Epidemiology; HIV; Infectious Disease |
416-978-8607 |
rupert.kaul@utoronto.ca |
Kurtis, Jonathan
2017 |
Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Pathology |
401-444-7375 |
Jonathan_Kurtis@Brown.edu |
Perencevich, Eli N.
2017 |
Epidemiology; Health services research; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
319-338-0581 ext.3535 |
eli-perencevich@uiowa.edu |
Lockman, Shahin
2012 |
Clinical research; Clinical trials; Epidemiology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
617 432 0975 |
slockman@hsph.harvard.edu |
Cappello, Michael
2005 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Public Health; Tropical Medicine |
203-737-4320 |
michael.cappello@yale.edu |
Kim, Kami
2004 |
Clinical research; Genomics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology; Translational Medicine |
813 9745891 |
kamikim@usf.edu |
Gerber, Jeffrey S.
2021 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
267-426-8775 |
gerberj@chop.edu |
Shiloh, Michael U.
2021 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
214-648-2697 |
Michael.Shiloh@UTSouthwestern.edu |
Cantey, Joseph R.
1984 |
Infectious Disease |
843-792-4542 |
canteyjr@musc.edu |
Bailey, Justin R.
2022 |
Infectious Disease |
410-614-6087 |
jbailey7@jhmi.edu |
Balagopal, Ashwin
2022 |
Infectious Disease |
4432877666 |
abalago1@jhmi.edu |
Marconi, Vincent C.
2022 |
Infectious Disease |
4047272343 |
vcmarco@emory.edu |
Badley, Andrew D.
2006 |
Apoptosis; Clinical trials; Experimental Therapeutics; Gene Transfer/Gene Therapy; HIV; Immunology; Infectious Disease; Virology |
(507)284-0559 |
badley.andrew@mayo.edu |
Ananworanich, Jintanat
2019 |
Clinical research; Clinical trials; Drug Development; HIV; Infectious Disease; Pediatrics; Vaccines |
(617) 949-0868 |
Jintanat.Ananworanich@modernatx.com |
Steinbach, William J.
2015 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
501-364-5262 |
wsteinbach@uams.edu |
Ho, Ya-Chi
2023 |
Infectious Disease |
2037854052 |
ya-chi.ho@yale.edu |
Javid, Babak
2023 |
Infectious Disease |
628.206.8188 |
Babak.Javid@ucsf.edu |
Lauring, Adam S.
2023 |
Infectious Disease |
734-764-7731 |
alauring@med.umich.edu |
Pollock, Nira R.
2023 |
Infectious Disease |
857-218-5113 |
nira.pollock@childrens.harvard.edu |
Zhang, Shen-Ying
2023 |
Infectious Disease |
212-327-7333 |
shzh289@rockefeller.edu |
Le, Thuy
2023 |
Clinical research; Clinical trials; Epidemiology; HIV; Infectious Disease; Microbiology; Tropical Medicine |
919.668.5053 |
thuy.le@duke.edu |
Miao, Edward A.
2023 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Microbiology |
9196687555 |
edward.miao@duke.edu |
Juliano, Jonathan J.
2019 |
Genetics; Genomics; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Public Health |
919-843-5065 |
jonathan_juliano@med.unc.edu |
Kaye, Keith S.
2018 |
Infectious Disease |
(732) 235-9312 |
kk1116@rwjms.rutgers.edu |
Sutterwala, Fayyaz S.
2012 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
— |
Fayyaz.Sutterwala@cshs.org |
Li, Jonathan Z.
2022 |
HIV; Infectious Disease; Virology |
617-768-8476 |
jli@bwh.harvard.edu |
Kaufmann, Daniel E.
2015 |
Infectious Disease; Medicine |
+41 21 314 10 10 |
daniel.kaufmann@chuv.ch |
Agwu, Allison L.
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
4106143917 |
ageorg10@jhmi.edu |
Barnabas, Ruanne
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
617 724 3467 |
RBARNABAS@mgh.harvard.edu |
Dvorin, Jeffrey D.
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
617-919-1236 |
Jeffrey.dvorin@childrens.harvard.edu |
Langelier, Charles R
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
415-418-3647 |
Chaz.langelier@ucsf.edu |
Parr, Jonathan B.
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
9194451132 |
jonathan_parr@med.unc.edu |
Pukkila-Worley, Read
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
857-383-8105 |
Read.Pukkila-Worley@umassmed.edu |
Rouphael, Nadine
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
14047121435 |
nroupha@emory.edu |
Taylor, Steve
2024 |
Infectious Disease |
9196845815 |
steve.taylor@duke.edu |
Philips, Jennifer A.
2021 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine; Microbiology |
3147478058 |
philips.j.a@wustl.edu |
Arias, Cesar A
2015 |
Infectious Disease; Internal Medicine |
346-238-4870 |
CAArias@houstonmethodist.org |
Graham, Barney S.
1996 |
Immunology; Infectious Disease; Vaccines; Virology |
404 904-9539 |
bgraham@msm.edu |
Jain, Sanjay K.
2023 |
Infectious Disease; Molecular imaging; Pediatrics |
410-502-8241 |
sjain5@jhmi.edu |
Cassat, James E.
2024 |
Infectious Disease; Pediatrics |
501-413-1323 |
jim.cassat@vumc.org |