Gregg L. Semenza, MD, PhD

Elected 1995
Phone: 410-955-1619
Honors / awards
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (2019)
for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability (shared: William G. Kaelin, Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe, Gregg L. Semenza)
Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award (2016)
For the discovery of the pathway by which cells from humans and most animals sense and adapt to changes in oxygen availability – a process essential for survival (shared: William G. Kaelin, Jr., Peter J. Ratcliffe, Gregg L. Semenza) More
ASCI | Stanley J. Korsmeyer Award (2012)
For contributions to the molecular understanding of cellular oxygen sensing and cellular adaptation to hypoxia. More
National Academy of Medicine (2012)
National Academy of Sciences (2008)